Journey into Space
Journey into space
By: Terrydenzo Studios
In ancient times, astronomers studied the stars in the night
sky. Later, they were able to gaze through telescopes. Today, we can study space from space itself.
Astronomers have discovered all kinds of remarkable things about space from satellites and other spacecraft that journey to the planets.
Planets are heavenly bodies which travel around a sun.
We live at the bottom of a thick layer of gases called the atmosphere.
This provides us with oxygen to breathe, it keeps us warm, and it protects us.
As we travel up through the earth's atmosphere, the gases are less concentrated.
As the air becomes thinner and thinner, it grows difficult to breathe.
At a height of about 6 miles (10 kilometers), we can't breathe at all without extra oxygen. Higher still, only a whiff of air remains.
When we reach a height of 99 miles (160 kilometers). there is almost no air at all. We are about to enter space.
What is space?
In space there is no atmosphere.
So sound cannot travel and there is no weather as we know it on earth.
Space is full of dangerous rays and particles traveling at high speed.
Space begins where the earth's atmosphere has faded to almost nothing.
We do not know where space ends.
Spacecraft have traveled from earth to the most distant planets of our solar system.
But the stars that lie in deep space have never been explored.
They are millions and millions of miles beyond our solar system.